Eurax - So Irritating

Eurax Cream is a fast-acting treatment for itchy and irritated skin caused by skin conditions, such as eczema & dermatitis, allergies and stings. We were tasked with freshening up their content with an amusing tone of voice.

Insight: There are so many things that irritate the average human. From loud chewers to pen clickers to smother slurpers—the list is infinite.

So Irritating

We’ve got countless irritations, but itching ain’t one of them.

We’ll parallel irritating behaviours with the one irritating thing that Eurax can actually help with — stopping itching fast.

Agency: McCann

Creative Directors: Dan Noller

Creative Copywriter: Gabriella Tavini

Designer: Beccy Fisk

Account Manager: Alana Allan


Conceptual Social Posts


Music Press Release